{ "extensionName": { "message": "Scratch Addons" }, "extensionDescription": { "message": "Scratch Addons provides new features and themes for the scratch.mit.edu website and project editor." }, "messaging": { "message": "Messaging" }, "games": { "message": "Games" }, "openInNewTab": { "message": "Open in new browser tab" }, "changelog": { "message": "View changelog" }, "15min": { "message": "For 15 minutes" }, "1hour": { "message": "For 1 hour" }, "8hours": { "message": "For 8 hours" }, "24hours": { "message": "For 24 hours" }, "untilEnabled": { "message": "Until I turn it back on" }, "muteFor": { "message": "Mute" }, "unmute": { "message": "Unmute" }, "recommended": { "message": "Recommended" }, "beta": { "message": "Beta" }, "forums": { "message": "Forums" }, "forEditor": { "message": "For editor" }, "forWebsite": { "message": "For website" }, "confirmPreset": { "message": "Are you sure you want to load this preset?" }, "confirmReset": { "message": "Are you sure you want to reset this addon to default settings?" }, "settingsTitle": { "message": "Settings - Scratch Addons" }, "settings": { "message": "Settings" }, "all": { "message": "All" }, "editorFeatures": { "message": "Scratch Editor Features" }, "websiteFeatures": { "message": "Scratch Website Features" }, "themes": { "message": "Themes" }, "popupFeatures": { "message": "Extension Popup Features" }, "theme": { "message": "Theme:" }, "credits": { "message": "Credits" }, "review": { "message": "Review" }, "feedback": { "message": "Send Feedback" }, "moreSettings": { "message": "More Settings" }, "filter": { "message": "Filter:" }, "resetToDefault": { "message": "Reset to default settings" }, "creditTo": { "message": "Credit to:" }, "viewLicenses": { "message": "View library licenses" }, "reset": { "message": "Reset" }, "presets": { "message": "Presets" }, "scratchAddonsTheme": { "message": "Scratch Addons theme" }, "scratchAddonsThemeDescription": { "message": "This allows you to switch between light and dark themes for this settings page, and the extension's popup." }, "light": { "message": "Light" }, "dark": { "message": "Dark" }, "licensesTitle": { "message": "Licenses - Scratch Addons" }, "licenses": { "message": "Licenses" }, "licensesForLibrary": { "message": "Licenses for library $1" }, "libraryCredits": { "message": "View licenses of used libraries" }, "recommendedTooltip": { "message": "This is recommended by Scratch Addons. Try it out!" }, "betaTooltip": { "message": "Keep in mind that this addon might have bugs." }, "forumsTooltip": { "message": "This addon applies to Scratch's Discussion Forums." }, "reportItHere": { "message": "report it here" }, "forumWarning": { "message": "Message added by the Scratch Addons extension: make sure the bug you're about to report still happens when all browser extensions are disabled, including Scratch Addons. If you believe a bug is caused by Scratch Addons, please $1." }, "forumWarningGeneral": { "message": "Message from Scratch Addons extension: Scratch policy forbids discussion about browser extensions, including Scratch Addons. Do not advertise Scratch Addons or any of its features. If you found bugs, please $1." }, "search": { "message": "Search" }, "permissionsTitle": { "message": "Permissions - Scratch Addons" }, "permissions": { "message": "Permissions" }, "enablePermissionsTitle": { "message": "Please enable site access" }, "enablePermissionsDescription": { "message": "Scratch Addons needs site access permission to work." }, "enableButton": { "message": "Enable" }, "enableButtonDescription": { "message": "Click the button to enable." }, "permissionsScreenAlt": { "message": "Screenshot of a dialog to enable site access" }, "clickAllowDescription": { "message": "Click \"Allow\". Scratch Addons will reload and the addons will start working correctly again" }, "permissionsDenied": { "message": "Site access could not be enabled. Try again." }, "translate": { "message": "Help Translate" }, "extensionUpdate": { "message": "Scratch Addons extension update" }, "extensionHasUpdated": { "message": "Scratch Addons has updated to v$1" }, "extensionUpdateInfo1": { "message": "$1: $2, which hides the block palette if not hovered or clicked. Go to $3 to enable it." }, "newFeature": { "message": "New feature" }, "hexColorPicker": { "message": "auto-hide block palette" }, "scratchAddonsSettings": { "message": "Scratch Addons settings" }, "extensionUpdateInfo2": { "message": "The \"record project video\" feature which previously only recorded video, can now record up to 5 minutes of project video and audio." }, "notAffiliated": { "message": "Scratch Addons is not affiliated with Scratch." }, "dataTweaksAlt": { "message": "Video showcasing the \"auto-hide block palette\" feature." }, "new": { "message": "New!" }, "exportAndImportSettings": { "message": "Export and Import Settings" }, "exportAndImportSettingsDescription": { "message": "Export settings as a JSON file for use on other computers." }, "useBrowserSync": { "message": "You can also enable your browser's built-in sync options to automatically synchronize the settings between devices." }, "export": { "message": "Export Settings" }, "import": { "message": "Import Settings" }, "fileNotSelected": { "message": "Please select a settings file." }, "importSuccess": { "message": "Settings have been imported successfully. Scratch Addons will reload." }, "importFailed": { "message": "The settings file is invalid. Please try again." }, "confirmImport": { "message": "Confirm" }, "quickSettings": { "message": "Addons" }, "runningOnThisPage": { "message": "Addons currently running on this tab:" }, "settingsPagePermission": { "message": "To enable the \"$1\" addon, go to the full screen settings page." }, "openFullSettings": { "message": "Open full screen settings" }, "skipOpenFullSettings": { "message": "Cancel" } }
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